• Skagit County Commissioners Adopt Interim Ordinance Imposing Moratorium for Energy Projects on Skagi



    Skagit County Commissioners Adopt Interim Ordinance Imposing Moratorium for Energy Projects on Skagit Farmland

    Today, the Board of Skagit County Commissioners has adopted an interim ordinance imposing a moratorium on the acceptance of permits for electrical energy generation or storage facilities on Skagit farmland. The moratorium lasts for six months but may be extended by the Board if necessary.
    The Skagit County Planning Commission is currently considering a proposed new ordinance regarding electrical energy generation and storage facilities on lands zoned Ag-NRL, and the Board is concerned the prospect of new regulation could cause a rush of new permit applications. More information on the proposed ordinance before the Planning Commission can be found on the project webpage.

    “The moratorium will afford our community time and space to get this right,” said Skagit County Commissioner Peter Browning. “Pavement is forever.”  

    “We fully understand the importance of a stable energy supply, but Skagit farmland is irreplaceable,” said Commissioner Lisa Janicki.

    “Our community has sacrificed for generations to protect Skagit farmland over the long term,” said Skagit County Commissioner Ron Wesen. “Our action today is about honoring the sacrifice and dedication of those who came before us.”

    Consistent with state law, the Board will hold a public hearing on the moratorium at 1:30 p.m., October 21, 2024, to accept public comment. The public may join the hearing in-person in the Commissioner’s Hearing Room at 1800 Continental Place or via Zoom at the link on the Commissioner’s webpage.